Липсва ли ви морето? Ето от мен един много лесен начин да се приближим малко до него и да оползотворим всички морски съкровища, които сме събирали през годините.
Do you miss the sea? Here's a little easy idea from me which will help up get closer to it and use all the collected seashells and other sea treasures collected trough the years.
We'll need wine glasses or some interesting glass vases, sand and small stones, imagination and our sea treasures. Of course if you want to turn them into candlestick, like I do, we can't fill them much so there's a place for the tea candle. If no - e can fill them to the brim.
След това включваме въображението си и подреждаме мидичките по краищата на чашката и оставяме място в средата за свещичката.
After that we just have to turn on our imagination and star to arrange the shells around the edges of the glass, leaving space for the candle in the middle.
Е, това е от мен за днес!
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So this is from me for now!
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